None (10)
Howth, Co. Dublin - At 6.35 p.m. on 30th April, 1966, the Garda informed the motor mechanic that two boys were stranded at the foot of the cliff at Castena Bay. The fire brigade had been unable to reach them. In the absence of the honorary secretary, the coxswain decided to launch the life-boat A.M.T. This was done at 6.45 in a gentle southerly wind and a smooth sea. It was two hours before high water. When the life-boat reached the bay, the boarding boat was sent in to pick up the two casualties, one of whom had sustained head injuries. A third person who had tried to reach the two boys and was stranded had to be rescued with the help of a veering line. The lifeboat returned to Howth, the crew rendering first aid to the injured boy on the way..