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Margrit Angelika

Ramsgate, Kent - At 9.5 a.m. on 9th March, 1966, the honorary secretary telephoned the coastguard at Deal to inquire whether any distress calls or advice from lightvessels had been received regarding a German ship aground on the Goodwins between north and north east of the Goodwin buoys. The vessel had been seen by the honorary secretary and cox- swain when out in a hovercraft, on a survey of the Goodwins, and the coxswain believed that the vessel could not get clear without help. The coastguard had no information. At 9.12 the life-boat Michael and Lily Davis was launched in a gentle north westerly breeze and a smooth sea. It was four hours before high water. At 10.20 the life-boat came up with the German motor vessel Margrit Angelika, stood by until she refloated at 10.29, and then escorted her away from the sands. At 10.46 she left the vessel at the north Goodwin and returned to the station, arriving at 12.15 P-m-.