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Higgy and a Dinghy

Skegness, Lincolnshire - At 8.45 p.m. on 2ist May, 1966, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a cabin cruiser was reported to be in difficulties three and a half miles east of Trusthorpe. Her engine had failed and there was a sick man on board. The lifeboat Charles Fred Grantham launched at 9.12 in a moderate south south westerly wind and a rough sea. It was one hour after low water. At 9.25 a message was received that a rubber dinghy with two men and a small boy had been missing off Skegness since i o'clock. The life-boat was asked to search northwards on her way to the cabin cruiser. She found the cabin cruiser Higgy, took her in tow, and turned back towards Skegness. At 11.30 the IRB launched to take over the tow of the Higgy, so that the life-boat could continue the search for the rubber dinghy. The honorary secretary was told at 12.30 a.m. that the Humber life-boat City of Bradford HI had launched to assist in the search and a Shackleton aircraft would join the search at daybreak.

The Skegness life-boat found the dinghy at 7.30 with the survivors aboard. She picked up the dinghy and crew and returned to her station, arriving at 9 a.m.

The owner of the cabin cruiser made a donation to the Institution's funds and gave a gift to the life-boat crew..