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Douglas, Isle of Man - At 2.30 p.m.

on 5th May, 1966, the harbour master told the honorary secretary that the motor vessel Gripsholm of Gothenburg had landed approximately 300 passengers at Port St. Mary in the morning and they were due to re-embark at Ramsey in the afternoon. The weather, however, became unfavourable at Ramsey and she was diverted to Douglas. As there were no other suitable craft available it was agreed that the life-boat should ferry the stranded passengers back to their ship.

The life-boat R. A. Colby Cubbin No. i was launched at 3.15 in a moderate northerly wind and a choppy sea. It was two hours after high water. The life-boat made three trips between the shore and the boat, in very rough conditions, and returned to her station at 6.40 p.m. The owners of the vessel made a donation to the funds of the Institution and a gift to the life-boat crew..