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Dodson-Bull Carpet Co.

BRANDED CARPETS Wiltons • Axminsters -Tufted • Orientals UPto 3O% DISCOUNT • All makes available with full Manufacturers Guarantees.

• NO IMPERFECT GOODS SOLD • Expert fitting service available most areas.

• Free delivery U.K.

Write stating requirements or for introduction to showrooms in most main cities £100,000 Carpets on display at our London Showrooms Open 9.30 to 5.30 Mon. to Fri.

9.00 to 12 noon Sats.

DODSON-BULL CARPET Co Showrooms: 2-4, Little Britain, London, E.C.1.

Telephone: MONarch 7171 (10 lines) Offices: 37a, Aldersgate St., London E.C.1.