Boys' Own and My Judith, Philander et al
NORTH-EAST DISTRICT Bridlington, Yorkshire - At 9.5 a.m.
on 22nd April, 1966, the assistant harbour master informed the honorary secretary that there were three cobles at sea, and the weather was deteriorating rapidly. He said unless they were inside the harbour by 10.30 they would have to wait until mid-afternoon. One of these was heading for the north landing at Flamborough.
The life-boat Tillie Morrison, Sheffield II was launched in a moderate south-byeasterly wind and a rough sea. The tide had been ebbing for three hours. She met the coble Boys' Own coming up from the north, and escorted her to safety in the harbour. The third coble My Judith was believed to be crabbing well to the south, so the life-boat headed south against the ebb to search for her. She eventually found the coble 16 miles away off Mappleton and escorted her back to Bridlington. The life-boat waited with the coble outside the harbour until she was able to get in. Also waiting outside were the motor cruiser Philander and 10 motor fishing vessels. All these were escorted into harbour..