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Award for Sixteen Year Old Boy

A SIXTEEN YEAR OLD boy, Arnold Togneri, has been awarded an inscribed wristwatch for the rescue of a girl off Dunbar, East Lothian, on the afternoon of nth April, 1965.

Arnold Togneri and two other boys, John and James McKay, were canoeing off East Beach, Dunbar, on the particular afternoon - a Sunday.

There was a moderate westerly wind with a moderate sea. About 4.40 two girls, Joan Scambler aged 14 and Linda Sinclair aged 12, asked the boys if they could take the canoes out. It was just after low water. : Joan Scambler took Arnold Togneri's canoe, Linda Sinclair taking another smaller canoe. Within a few minutes they were both in difficulties in the ebbing tide and the offshore wind. Linda Sinclair managed to turn her canoe and reach shore safely, but the other girl found the canoe she was in too large to handle.

CANOE CAPSIZED Realizing that Joan Scambler was now in serious difficulties, Arnold Togneri launched the smaller canoe again, and went to her help. He tried to turn her canoe, but as soon as it became broadside to the sea it capsized and threw the girl into the water.

He told the girl to hang on to the stern of his canoe, but it could not support their combined weight and sank, leaving them both in the water.

Joan was hampered by her clothes, but Arnold was wearing only bathing trunks and a shirt. He was also a strong swimmer.

At 4.50 the Dunbar coastguard alerted the life-boat. The maroons were fired in two minutes and four minutes later the Dunbar life-boat, Margaret, which is one of the 4y-foot Watson type, was launched.

The boy and the girl were extremely cold, and Joan Scambler said she did not think she could hold on any longer. Arnold, who could probably have swum ashore to safety, stayed by her and encouraged her to hold on.

At 5.3 the life-boat reached them and took them out of the water. They were given hot drinks, and at 5.15 the life-boat landed them. They were both taken to Dunbar Cottage Hospital but neither suffered any serious ill effects.

Crimdon Dene IRB In addition to the inshore rescue boat stations already listed in THE LIFEBOAT, the IRB originally intended for Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, has been reallocated to Crimdon Dene, Co. Durham..