Anna Hendrika and a Rubber Dinghy
Holyhead, Anglesey - At 4.55 p.m.
on 6th May, 1966, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a Dutch trawler had struck the Flattens, and was aground, but the local pilot boat and a boat from a Holyhead boatyard were standing by. It was later seen that while these boats were taking ropes from the trawler, her crew of six were drifting away in a small rubber dinghy. The lifeboat St. Cybi (Civil Service No. 9) was launched at 6.2 in a gale force northerly wind and a rough sea. She took the survivors off the dinghy and stood by until the trawler Anna Hendrika refloated. She then put them back on board. The lifeboat returned to her station at 6.45 p.m..