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A Motor Launch and Tehtar and Essex Pride

Clacton-on-Sea, Essex- At 11.26 a.m.

on 27th March, 1966, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a small motor launch appeared to be in trouble.

There was a strong gale from the west south west with a very rough sea. The tide was flooding. The life-boat Sir Godfrey Baring launched at 11.58, and when she came up with the launch found that a helicopter from R.A.F. Manston had taken off a sick boy. The remaining (jrew member did not require assistance.

On approaching the harbour the coxswain was advised by the commanding officer of a cadet school on board the yacht Tehtar that seven yachts with 30 cadets were in difficulties in Pyfleet Channel owing to the weather conditions. The lifeboat then rescued the crew of five of the Essex Pride and towed the boat to Brightlingsea.

The life-boat returned and helped a further four yachts to safety. The sixth yacht was too far aground on the mud to be reached, and the coxswain of the life-boat arranged for a helicopter to take off her crew of five before returning to moorings at Brightlingsea as she was unable to rehouse in the existing conditions.

When weather conditions moderated on the following day the life-boat rehoused at n.oo p.m. A letter of appreciation was received from the commanding officer of the cadet school, together with a donation to the Institution's funds. A gift was also made by the cadets to the coxswain and crew..