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A Dinghy (3)

OUT OF CONTROL At 2.43 p.m. on 22nd May, 1966, the coastguard informed the coxswain that a small boat was out of control and drifting, to the east of Westgate, with one adult and three children aboard. The life-boat Elizabeth Elson, on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 2.55 in a strong south-westerly wind and a rough sea. It was two hours after high water. She reached the reported position of the casualty and searched the area with the assistance of an R.A.F. helicopter from Mansion, but nothing was found. The motor barge Andescol signalled to the life-boat and said that she had picked up a small boat. A radio telephone message from Deal coastguard stated that she was one that had capsized earlier and her crew had been picked up by the helicopter.

The life-boat took the dinghy from Andescol and brought it back to the boathouse where it was returned to her owner..