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The States of Jersey Pilot Cutter La Rosiere

St. Helier, Jersey. At 3.43 p.m. on i6th January, 1966, Jersey Radio informed the duty harbour official that the States of Jersey pilot cutter La Rosiere had struck a rock near Corbiere Lighthouse on the south west corner of the island and was in need of immediate assistance. The life-boat Elizabeth Rippon responded at 4 o'clock in a moderate north easterly breeze and a slight swell.

It was one and a half hours after high water. The life-boat arrived at the lighthouse to find that the crew of two of the pilot cutter had been picked up by a dinghy which had put out from the lighthouse.

One man was then transferred to the life-boat which tried unsuccessfully to tow the cutter off the rocks. The life-boat returned to her station at 6.25..