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The Danish Ship Habet

Walton and Frinton, Essex. At 12.20 a.m. on I3th February, 1966, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the Danish ship Habet had requested the help of the life-boat to take a sick man off as he required medical attention. The life-boat Charles Cooper Henderson, on temporary duty at the station, went at 12.50 to a position four miles south-east of Walton-on-Naze in a light north-northeasterly wind. The sea was choppy and it was two hours after low water. After the life-boat had left her moorings a message was received to the effect that the ship in question had been identified as a replacement for the wireless transmitting station Radio Caroline, and the vessel's name was Cheetah II which also had a registered name of Habet. The sick man, who was one of the disc jockeys, was safely transferred to the life-boat and landed at Walton pier, where the honorary secretary was waiting with an ambulance. The lifeboat returned to her moorings at 2.7 a.m..