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Cromer, Norfolk. At a.m.

on 16th January, 1966, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that they had received a message from the North Haisbro lightvessel that red flares had been sighted in a position six miles south east of her. The No. i life-boat Henry Blogg was launched at 1.35 in a gentle north easterly breeze and a moderate sea. It was one hour before high water. The life-boat, after receiving a message from the vessel Brittenburgh that she would stand by until the life-boat arrived, moved to a position half a mile north east of the middle Haisbro buoy, where she found the casualty, the motor vessel Start, with both her radio and her rudder out of action, and stood by after passing a request on for a tug. The Octupus arrived at 8.30 and took the Start in tow. The life-boat escorted both vessels to Great Yarmouth arriving at 3 p.m. The life-boat returned to her station on i8th January..