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St. Georges

RED FLARES At 3.15 p.m. on nth Janurary, 1966 the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the local trawler St. Georges was burning red flares just inside the West Gorton buoy. The life-boat Frederick Edward Crick responded at 3.30 in an easterly gale and a rough sea. It was three hours to low water.

The life-boat came up with the trawler and found that her engines had failed as water had entered her fuel tanks after touching bottom on leaving harbour. The coxswain was asked to stand by the St.

Georges, which was listing badly, as it was feared that her anchor cable might part, and also to relay messages ashore to the trawler's owners. Another trawler was sent to stand by and as the service of the life-boat was no longer required, she returned to her station, arriving at 9.43..