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Aith, Shetlands. At 10.20 a.m. on 1st December, 1965, at the request of the local medical officer of health, the lifeboat John and Frances Macfarlane was launched in a moderate north westerly breeze and in a rough sea to take a doctor and a nurse to the Island of Foula. It was two hours to high water. The doctor had been for some days unable to visit his patients, one of whom needed urgent medical attention, due to the incessant bad weather. The life-boat reached Foula at 1.35 p.m., and was able to go alongside the pier at Ham and put the doctor and nurse ashore. She returned later at 3.25 taking the doctor off the Island as he had now performed his urgent duties. The nurse was left on the Island, and the lifeboat reached her station at 6.30..