New Ways of Raising Money
Collecting house flags of various shipping lines is the hobby of Mr. C. M. Pope, who lives near Sherborne in Dorset. For each flag received he sends a contribution to the R.N.L.I., this "consideration money" amounting to an average of £3 $s.
per flag. Since 1960 Mr. Pope has donated £177 3$. to the R.N.L.I. in this way.
St. David's, Pembrokeshire, Ladies' Life-boat Guild made a large number of paper leeks for sale on St. David's Day and made about £4 as a result of this initiative.
To mark the sixteenth birthday of Dalton Junior School, Huddersfield, which was celebrated last February, the pupils collected £12 IDS. for the R.N.L.I. In previous years the money contributed had been used to buy a picture or other present for the school, but this year they chose to give the money to the R.N.L.I.
A supporter from Bournemouth, Mrs. Feasey, sent us this cutting from an Australian paper giving news of a novel idea: "Here's my way of saving money for charity. Every letter I write during the year I put a penny in a tin and at the end of the year send the money to a charity.
It is marvellous how these pennies mount up - you will be surprised at the sum of money you have in the tin at the end of the year if you try this. Pollux, Cootamundra, N.S.W.".