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The Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, Life-boat House, 42 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I Dear Sir, Your films entitled "Ready for Service", "From Baltimore to Littlehampton" and "The Ben Barvas" have been received and viewed with interest. The detailed description of the exhaustive trials conducted on the 44 foot steel life-boat and the high opinions expressed by your experienced personnel were, of course, highly interesting to me.

These films have already been exhibited at one of our Coast Guard Rescue Stations, where they were received with interest and enthusiasm. It is my intent that these films be shown at all of our stations within the First Coast Guard District, as part of our regular training programme. I feel that they will be of extreme interest to our men, since we are engaged in the same basic tasks and it is interesting and stimulating to observe the techniques used by a different service in the fulfilment of a rescue mission.

I wish to express my sincere thanks for your prompt response to our request.

The close link between our two services has most certainly been considerably strengthened by your generosity.

Sincerely yours, C. G. HOUTSMA, Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Chief, Operations Division, (By direction of the Commander, First Coast Guard District)..