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Gien Mie

Fleetwood, Lancashire. At 9.10 p.m.

on ist December, 1965, the coastguard notified the honorary secretary that the Fleetwood trawler Prince Philip, on her way back to harbour, was alongside a smaller trawler, the Gien Mie, which had stripped her gearbox. The life-boat Ann Letitia Russell was launched at 9.35 with the second coxswain in command and went to the aid of the Gien Mie. There was a gentle south-easterly breeze with a slight swell, and it was an hour and a half to low water. The life-boat found the Gien Mie about a mile south-west of the Danger Patch buoy and took the trawler in tow to Fleetwood. The life-boat reached her station at 12.10 a.m..