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Eileen M and a Dinghy

Islay, Inner Hebrides. At 7.12 a.m.

on 12th January, 1966, the coastguard at Portpatrick informed the honorary secretary that the tanker Eileen M of London was ashore on the Mull of Oa. The lifeboat Francis W. Wotherspoon of Paisley responded at 7.30 in a strong south easterly breeze and a very rough sea. It was one hour and a half to high water.

The life-boat found the tanker on the rock beneath a sheer cliff face, awash and rolling heavily. The master and crew of six had abandoned her for the ship's boat which was secured to the stern of the casualty to prevent the dinghy being smashed to pieces on the rocks. The coxswain passed a line to the dinghy which was then hauled seawards to the life-boat. The seven men were rescued and were all found to be suffering from cold and exposure. The master had cut and bruised fingers and they were all given first aid and refreshments.

The life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 3.30 p.m..