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A Rubber Dinghy and Happy Despatch

Eastbourne, Sussex. At 9.5 p.m. on 2ist January, 1966, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the Royal Sovereign lightvessel had reported that red flares had been seen three miles to the north north east. The life-boat Beryl Tollemache was launched at 9.26 in a light south westerly breeze and a slight swell. It was one and a half hours after low water. The life-boat went to the position and made a search of the area, sighting two men in a rubber dinghy at 10.15. The life-boat took the two men aboard, who informed the coxswain that they were the crew of fishing vessel Happy Despatch which had been run down by an unknown steamship. The life-boat landed the two men, who were unhurt, at Eastbourne, returning at 11.16..