Yolande Annie
FOULED PROPELLER Bridlington, Yorkshire. At 7.25 p.m.
on 17th September, 1965, the honorary secretary was informed by the coastguard that a local fishing boat was towing a trawler and the help of the life-boat was being requested. At 7.37 the life-boat Tittie Morrison, Sheffield II was launched and came up with the trawler Yolande Annie, of Grimsby, in tow of the motor fishing vessel Our Catherine, two miles south of Flamborough Head. A gale was blowing from the south-south-east, the sea was rough and the tide was flooding.
The trawler had fouled her propeller.
The life-boat escorted both vessels to the harbour and fired parachute flares to illuminate the harbour entrance. Our Catherine and Yolande Annie entered the harbour safely at 8.40 and the life-boat remained there on account of the weather and was rehoused at 8.30 a.m. on the 18th..