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The Motor Fishing Vessels Winifred and Lead Us

Bridlington, Yorkshire. At 8.20 a.m.

on 16th November, 1965, the coxswain informed the honorary secretary that the motor fishing vessels Winifred and Lead Us were still at sea and conditions for entering harbour were deteriorating. The honorary secretary made enquiries about the positions of the two vessels and was informed that one boat was east of Flamborough Head and the other well to the south, both boats hauling their lines. It was decided to launch the life-boat Tillie Morrison, Sheffield II at 9.5 and she went to the harbour in a south-easterly gale and a very rough sea to await the arrival of the Winifred and Lead Us. It was one hour before high water. Both boats were escorted safely to harbour.

The life-boat remained afloat because of the weather conditions and was rehoused on 18th November..