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The Lebanese S.S. Areti

Humber, Yorkshire. At 3.30 p.m.

on 2ist September, 1965, the honorary medical adviser informed the coxswain superintendent that the Lebanese S.S.

Areti off Spurn Point had a sick seaman on board who required medical attention.

There was a moderate south-westerly breeze and it was one hour after high water. The life-boat City of Bradford III launched at 3.45 with the honorary medical adviser on board.

After the sick man had been examined he was transferred to the life-boat and landed at Spurn, where an ambulance was waiting to take him to hospital. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 5.25 p.m.

On Wednesday 29th September, the life-boat again launched to the 5.S.

Areti with the honorary medical adviser on board, following a report that another member of her crew was sick. There was a light south-westerly breeze with a slight sea. The sick man was transferred to the life-boat and landed at Spurn where an ambulance was waiting. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 8.15 p.m..