The Danish Vessel Irene Frijs
Wick, Caithness-shire. At 4.45 a.m.
on 3rd November, 1965, the harbourmaster was informed that the Danish vessel Irene Frijs of Copenhagen was arriving in Wick Bay to land two injured seamen. The vessel unfortunately grounded on the north side of the bay and the life-boat City of Edinburgh was launched at 5.20 in a strong north-westerly wind and a slight swell. It was two hours before high water.
The life-boat found the Irene Frijs with a 30° list to starboard and took the two injured men on board. The master of the casualty then asked if pumps could be brought out as the vessel had shipped a large quantity of water. After landing the two injured men, the life-boat returned to the casualty with pumps obtained from the local fire service, and later towed the Irene Frijs into deeper water where she anchored. The life-boat reached her station at 11.35 a.m..