The Admiralty Survey Vessel Medusa
St. Ives, Cornwall. At 5.47 p.m. on 13th September, 1965, the coastguard reported that a skin diver was missing from the fishing boat Bonnie Lass, of St.
Ives. At 6.10 the life-boat Edgar, George, Orlando and Eva Child was launched with the life-boat honorary medical adviser on board. There was a light westerly wind, a moderate swell and the tide was flooding. The life-boat came up with the Admiralty survey vessel Medusa one and a half miles north of Stones buoy and learnt that she had rescued the skin diver. The doctor examined him and found that he was all right. The lifeboat then took him on board and landed him at St. Ives at 7.25 p.m. The IRB was also launched and a helicopter took part in the search..