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Stingray and Sultan

Rhyl, Flintshire. At 1.4 p.m. on ist September, 1965, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that two flares had been burned by the m.f.v. Stingray. There was a fresh north-westerly breeze with a rough sea. It was almost high water. The life-boat Lucy Lavers, on temporary duty at the station, was immediately launched and soon came up with the Stingray, which was in danger of capsizing. Her twelve passengers were taken on board the life-boat, which landed them and then escorted the fishing vessel into harbour.

A report was then received that two people were in the water off Rhos Point.

The life-boat set out, only to discover that the supposed casualties were mooring buoys. On the way back to her station she escorted the m.f.v. Sultan, with a load of passengers, safely to harbour, arriving at 2.46 p.m..