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Seabird and Smuggler II

Clacton-on-Sea, Essex. At 9.38 p.m.

on 2nd October, 1965, the honorary secretary was notified that a yacht was in difficulties 200 yards east of Clacton Pier. At 9.55 the life-boat Sir Godfrey Baring launched in a slight southerly breeze and slight sea. The tide was ebbing. The life-boat found the motor cruiser Seabird with two people on board.

The cruiser was making water and was taken in tow to Brightlingsea. At 12 minutes past midnight on the 3rd the crew were informed that another cabin cruiser was in difficulties 200 yards east of Clacton Pier and had asked the life-boat to stand by. The life-boat found the cabin cruiser Smuggler II with four people on board. The Smuggler II was leaking and was taken in tow to Brightlingsea after her crew had been landed at Clacton. The life-boat returned to her station at 6.15 a.m..