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Royal Humane Society Award

The Royal Humane Society awarded a testimonial on parchment, combined with a resuscitation certificate, to Police Sergeant Stephen Ferguson of the County Borough of Hastings Police, and a resuscitation certificate to Motor Mechanic John Martin of the Hastings life-boat, for their rescue of a youth during the night of the i6/iyth August, 1965.

Police Sergeant S. Ferguson and Motor Mechanic J. H. Martin had gone out in the Hastings IRB to search for a dinghy, which they found about 200 yards south-west of Hastings pier at 12.54 a-m- The dinghy was empty, but splashing was observed in the water some distance away and the IRB reached this spot as a youth was seen disappearing beneath the surface. Sergeant Ferguson dived fully clothed into the sea and got the casualty, who was apparently drowned, into the IRB and immediately started mouthto- mouth resuscitation.

The IRB arrived back at her station at i a.m. The patient was landed and Mechanic Martin took over the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation whilst Sergeant Ferguson gave cardiac massage. The youth regained consciousness as a result of this treatment and was removed to hospital..