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Rescue of Man Cut Off By Tide

Letters of commendation signed by the Chairman of the Committee of Management, Captain the Hon. V. M. Wyndham-Quin, R.N., have been sent to Mr. John Parsons of Luton and Master Michael Dunn of Highbridge for rescuing a man who was cut off by the tide at Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset, on 28th August, 1965.

At 8 o'clock that evening a policeman was told that a man had been seen clinging to an iron post on the wall of the marine lake. The man was up to his waist in water, with waves breaking over him, and in danger of being swept into deep water.

The policeman went to call out the Burnham Surf Life-Saving Club and at the same time two 15 year-old boys, Michael Dunn and Raymond Farthing, ran to the breakwater where the local Council keeps a 12-foot fibre glass dinghy. The dinghy's attendant, Mr. John Parsons, had gone off duty and the outboard motor and oars had been locked away.

Mr. Parsons returned shortly afterwards with the intention of doing some fishing, but when he saw the man on the wall in danger he went to fetch the engine and gear for the dinghy. With the help of three people he rigged the dinghy and got it to the water edge and then asked Michael Dunn to accompany him.

A fresh breeze was blowing from the north-west and there was a choppy sea. The tide was making at about 3 knots. The man and the boy launched the dinghy with some difficulty through the breakers. As he approached the man on the wall Mr.

Parsons cut the engine and rowed towards him.

The man on the wall was dressed in heavy fishing gear, and as he grabbed the side of the dinghy he nearly capsized it. Mr. Parsons had to hold the iron post to steady the boat and Michael Dunn helped the man in over the bows..