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Lowestoft, Suffolk. At 6.50 a.m. on loth November, 1965, the local trawler Jamaica was reported aground on the sandbank off Lowestoft harbour. She had sent out a 'Mayday' call. The life-boat Frederick Edward Crick went out at 7.5 in a fresh north-north-easterly breeze and a moderate sea. The tide was flooding.

On reaching the trawler her skipper asked the coxswain to stand by until a tug arrived. However, as the tide was flooding, the coxswain suggested that he should try going full astern. In half an hour the trawler was clear of the sandbank. The coxswain, using the life-boat's echo sounder, was able to guide the Jamaica into deep water and safely into harbour.

The life-boat reached her station at 8.25 a.m..