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Jacqueline and Trewarveneth

TRAWLER LOST PROPELLER At 4.10 p.m. on 26th November, 1965, the honorary secretary informed the coxswain that the Newlyn trawler Jacqueline had lost her propeller and that another trawler, the Trewarveneth, had attempted to give a tow but in doing so had fouled her propeller.

The two trawlers were locked together and needed immediate help. The lifeboat Solomon Browne was launched at 4.20 in a full southerly gale and a very rough sea. It was one and a quarter hours to high water. The life-boat found the trawlers one mile east of Runnelstone.

Both were badly damaged above the water line. Two other trawlers took the Jacqueline and Trewarveneth in tow and the life-boat escorted all four vessels to Newlyn harbour, returning to her station at 7.30 p.m..