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H.M. Coastguard

The Institution's best wishes for many happy years of retirement go to Commander D. F. White, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R. (Retd.), who relinquished his post as Chief Inspector of H.M. Coastguard at the end of 1965.

Commander White first went to sea as a cadet in 1915, later transferring to the Royal Navy for the duration of the war. He then returned to the Merchant Navy and served as an officer in various ships of the Anchor Donaldson Line and the Anchor Line.

He also served in various Royal Navy ships as a permanent R.N.V.R. officer, and was recalled to the Royal Navy when World War II began, serving in corvettes and frigates in the Western Approaches Command. At the end of the war he was Commodore of Coastal Convoys. In the course of his duties he had escorted convoys to the invasion beaches, and one to Antwerp.

He joined H.M. Coastguard as an Inspector in 1946, became D.C.I, in 1950, and in 1962 was promoted Chief Inspector. His retirement is due to reaching the age limit, 65.

The easy co-operation and close, friendly relationship which exists between the RNLI and H.M. Coastguard are proof of the efficient manner in which Commander White handled all matters which were of mutual concern.

He is succeeded as Chief Inspector of H.M. Coastguard by Commander P. J. H.

Bartlett, O.B.E., R.N. (Retd.)..