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Clarity and a Dutch Vessel

Southend-on-Sea, Essex. At 5.11 a.m. on ist November, 1965, the motor vessel Clarity was reported to be dragging her anchor and running aground half-amile west of No. 4 Sea Reach buoy. The life-boat Greater London II (Civil Service No. 30) was launched at 5.35 in a strong south-westerly gale and a very rough sea, one hour after high water. She went to the sandbank where the Clarity lay aground and it was arranged that the life-boat should return later to stand by at high water.

As the life-boat drew alongside Southend pier it was noticed that a Dutch vessel was within ten yards of the pier. The life-boat stood by with a tow rope until this vessel was safe and at 3 p.m. returned to assist the Clarity as she refloated on a full tide. The life-boat was back at her station at 5 p.m..