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A Dinghy and a Boat

Whitstable, Kent. At approximately 2.15 p.m. on 8th September, 1965, the honorary secretary was told that a small dinghy with one person on board was in difficulties a half a mile off shore. At 2.20 the IRB launched in a strong southwesterly breeze and short steep seas. She found the man from the dinghy clinging to a boat at a mooring. He had jumped overboard to swim ashore when the dinghy's outboard engine would not start, as he could not make any progress by rowing. The IRB brought him ashore, then his father, who had put out in a small boat to search for him, was seen to be in difficulties. His engine had run out of fuel and he had lost an oar. The IRB took the boat in tow and returned to her station at 3 p.m..