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Several Speed Boats, Welsh Lady III and a Cabin Cruiser

RACE CALAMITY Beaumaris, Anglesey; Rhyl, Flintshire; and Llandudno, Caernarvonshire.

On nth July, 1965, thirty-two speed boats were taking part in a race at Llandudno when a south westerly wind of near gale force sprang up, soon after the start. Several boats capsized and at 12.48 p.m. the Llandudno life-boat The Lily Wainwright was launched. There was a rough sea and the tide was ebbing. The Rhyl life-boat Anthony Robert Marshall was launched at 1.20 and the Beaumaris life-boat Field Marshal and Mrs. Smuts an hour later. When the Llandudno lifeboat reached two casualties she found their crews had been picked up by a boat.

She then found two more speed boats capsized. Their crews had already been rescued, but the boat which had picked up the men had a rope folding her propeller.

The life-boat escorted this boat to the safety of Llandudno Bay,then returned to escort the remaining speed boats and search until all the speed boat crews were reported safe.

The Rhyl life-boat's services were not required for the speed boats, but she was asked to bring ashore a very sick passenger from the fishing vessel Welsh Lady HI. Afterwards she searched with the Llandudno life-boat for any other casualties from the speed boat race. The Beaumaris life-boat also helped in the search together with a helicopter. She towed one speed boat ashore and stood by a cabin cruiser with engine trouble in the vicinity of Puffin Island until the engine was repaired.

The Rhyl life-boat reached her station at 6.10, the Llandudno life-boat at 6.15 and the Beaumaris life-boat at 8 p.m. A letter of thanks was received from the organisers of the power boat race..