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Walton and Frinton, Essex. At 3.45 p.m. on ist August, 1965, the honorary secretary was told by the occupier of a house overlooking the Naze, Harwich and Harford water approaches that a man and a woman were marooned by the rising tide in the vicinity of Cormorant Creek.

They were last seen to be up to their waists in water. The life-boat Edian Courtauld proceeded towards the Naze at 3.58 in a fresh westerly wind and a choppy sea.

A further message was received saying that the marooned couple were thought to be on a piece of salting between the old Tamarisk wall and the new sea defence wall. This information was passed to the coxswain and he closed the point, sending two members of his crew ashore in a dinghy which had been taken along for this purpose. The marooned couple were found, taken aboard the dinghy, and landed safely on the sea wall. The dinghy then returned to the life-boat, when a party of people were seen apparently cut off by the tide, so the dinghy again returned ashore. It was found that the people were bird watchers waiting for low water to cross back to the mainland. The dinghy went back to the life-boat which arrived at her station at 5.14 p.m..