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Inshore Rescue Boats on Service

Launches on service from 1st July to 3ist August, 1965, which resulted in the rescue of people in difficulties are described in chronological order below.

Tynemouth, Northumberland. At 5.25 p.m. on 2nd July, 1965, a small motor boat was seen to be in difficulties with engine trouble just inside the harbour mouth. At 5.32 the IRB launched in a gentle north-westerly breeze and slight sea. She found the motor boat had run out of petrol and had neither oars nor anchor on board. Her occupant was using part of the floorboard as a paddle. The IRB took the boat in tow to a safe mooring near the life-boat house and returned to her station at 5.55 p.m.

Tramore, Co. Waterford. At 9.45 p.m. on 4th July, 1965, it was learned that a fisherman was cut off by the flooding tide at Newtown Head. At 9.57 the IRB launched in a light westerly breeze and calm sea. The IRB took the fisherman on board and returned to her station, which was reached at 10.5 p.m.

Newquay, Cornwall. At 10.35 p.m.

on 4th July, 1965, the honorary secretary was told that one of two men being pursued by the police had run into the sea at Crantock and was swimming towards West Pentere. At 10.40 the IRB launched in a moderate north-easterly breeze and corresponding sea and came up with the man, who was exhausted and clinging to the rocks at Viegga Cove. He was thrown a line and taken aboard the IRB, which returned to her station at 11.25 p.m.

St. Ives, Cornwall. At 3.15 p.m. on yth July, 1965, a member of the IRB crew was told that a motor skiff carrying two people was in difficulties half a mile north of St. Ives Pier Head. At 3.15 the IRB launched in a northerly breeze and came up with the motor skiff Rosslyn whose engine had broken down. The crew were taken on board the IRB and with the skiff in tow she returned to her station at 3.50 p.m.

Walmer, Kent. At approximately 6.53 p.m. on 7th July, 1965, life-boatmen at the boathouse saw an overturned dinghy with her crew of two in the water a mile seawards off Deal pier. The IRB launched immediately, in a light northwesterly breeze and calm sea. She found the sailing dinghy had been righted, but was unmanageable with mainsail trouble and was being driven seawards on the flood tide towards the Goodwin Fork Buoy. The IRB took the dinghy in tow and returned to her station at 7.45 p.m.

Brighton, Sussex. At 4.7 p.m. on 8th July, 1965, the life-guard for the east section of the beach told the beach superintendent's office that a boy on a rubber mattress was drifting seawards off Black Rock swimming pool and signalling for help. At 4.10 the IRB launched in a north-westerly breeze and slight sea.

The boy was taken to the IRB station, which was reached at 4.25, and transferred to the care of the St. John Ambulance first aid post.

Mudeford, Hampshire. At approximately 1.50 p.m. on nth July, 1965, a boy saw a cabin cruiser capsize off Hengistbury Head. He ran to the nearest telephone at the Mudeford beach office, about half a mile away, and the IRB was launched immediately in a strong southwesterly breeze and rough sea. The tide was ebbing. The IRB came up with the cabin cruiser Mouette II and found the crew of two had started to swim to the shore. They were taken on board the IRB which returned to her station at 2.1 p.m. One of the crew of Mouette II was exhausted and suffering from shock and was taken to the home of one of the members of the IRB crew and given a hot bath and dry clothes. A letter of appreciation was sent to the boy for his action on this occasion.

Largs, Ayrshire. At 10.5 p.m. on July, 1965, the police reported that a small dinghy with three persons on board was in difficulties a mile and a half south-west of the South Bay. At 10.17 the IRB launched in a strong easterly breeze and corresponding sea. The IRB came up with the dinghy and took her crew on board. They were landed at Cairnies quay and the IRB returned to the dinghy and towed her ashore. The IRB returned to her station at 11.25 P-m- Walmer, Kent. At 4 p.m. on 2oth July, 1965, the honorary secretary saw a catamaran capsize one mile offshore from the life-boathouse. At 4.10 p.m. the IRB launched in a southerly breeze and corresponding sea. The catamaran, whose crew of two were exhausted after struggling to right her, had drifted two miles.

The IRB took the catamaran in tow and returned to her station at 5.20 p.m.

Newquay, Cornwall. At 12.20 on 2ist July, 1965, the honorary secretary learnt that a man had fallen down the cliffs between Treyarnon and Porthcothan.

At 12.25 the IRB launched in light variable airs and slight sea. The man was taken on board the IRB and landed at Treyarnon where he was transferred to a waiting ambulance. The IRB returned to her station at 2 o'clock. A helicopter was airborne on this occasion.

Brighton, Sussex. At 3 p.m. on 24th July, 1965, whilst the station was being visited by the Station Officer, H.M.

Coastguard, Newhaven, a catamaran was seen to be in difficulties off the Palace Pier. At 3.10 the IRB launched in a strong south-westerly breeze and corresponding sea. She came up with the dismasted catamaran Thunderball., which had two persons on board, and took it in tow. The IRB returned to her station at 3-35 P.m.

Worthing, Sussex. At approximately 3.15 p.m. on 25th July, 1965, the coastguard reported that a sailing dinghy had capsized one mile off Lancing. At 3.25 the IRB launched in a strong gusting to near gale force south-westerly wind and rough sea. The tide was flooding. The IRB came up with the dinghy and embarked the crew of two, returning to her station at 4.10 p.m. A helicopter was airborne on this occasion.

Southwold, Suffolk. At 1.50 p.m. on 25th July, 1965, the coastguard reported that a sailing dinghy had capsized one mile off Southwold. At 1.55 the IRB launched in a moderate gusting to fresh south-westerly breeze and came up with the sailing dinghy Davento, whose crew of two were embarked. The dinghy was then righted and towed to the beach where one member of her crew was landed. The remaining crew member was taken to the Southwold Sailing Club and the IRB returned to her station at 2.20 p.m.

Eastney, Hampshire. At 2.50 p.m.

on 25th July, 1965, the honorary secretary learnt that a yacht had capsized three miles south-west of the station. At 3 o'clock the IRB launched in a moderate gusting to fresh south-westerly breeze Mr. Roy Mason, Minister of State (Shipping), prepared for a cruise in Blackpool's IRB. He went out one morning early, during the Labour Conference, and later spoke enthusiastically of the boat's efficiency.

and rough sea and came up with the sailing dinghy which had been righted and was under tow. No further assistance was required.

On returning to the shore the crew of the IRB were told another yacht had capsized. They went out and rendered assistance.

Returning to the shore for the second time the crew were told that a third yacht was in difficulties, three miles from the station. They came up with the yacht Saturn, one of whose crew was in the water. He was taken aboard the IRB which then assisted the second crew member, who was being towed along by the yacht. The yacht was soon overhauled by the IRB and her crew of two were safely returned to her. With the yacht in tow the IRB returned to her station at 3.48 p.m.

Bembridge, Isle of Wight. At 8 p.m.

on 25th July, 1965, the coxswain told the honorary secretary that a yacht appeared to be in difficulties off Lane End shore. At 8.9 the IRB launched in a fresh southwesterly breeze and rough sea. It was high water. The IRB came up with the yacht and found one person on board. The yacht was taken in tow. The IRB returned to her station at 9.3$ p.m.

Whitstable, Kent. At 12.37 P-m- on 28th July, 1965, the police told the honorary secretary that a small dinghy with one person on board was in difficulties two and a half miles north-east of the station.

Three other youths who had rowed out to assist were unable to row back with the casualty. A small motor boat with one person on board had also put out to help, and had run out of petrol. At 12.42 the IRB launched in a fresh south-westerly breeze and choppy sea. The tide was flooding. The IRB embarked the five people and brought them to the beach.

The three boats were then towed ashore and the IRB returned to her station at i p.m.

While the honorary secretary was completing his records of the above service his attention was drawn to a small yacht with three youths on board, in difficulties half a mile off shore. At 1.13 p.m. the IRB launched and took the three youths on board, and towed the small yacht to the beach. Then, while the honorary secretary was talking to the crew, two children put to sea in a punt and were soon in difficulties in the wind and sea conditions. The IRB took the two children, who were frightened, on board. The punt was taken ashore about half a mile further west along the beach, where the children were landed. The IRB returned to her station at 1.50 p.m.

Poole, Dorset. At approximately 7.45 p.m. on 28th July, 1965, the Instructor Petty Officer, Parkstone Sea Cadets, reported to the honorary secretary that a sailing craft with four cadets on board was in difficulties a quarter of a mile south of the station. The IRB launched immediately in a strong gusting to near gale moderate sea. It was low water. The IRB found a catamaran with two people on board drifting towards Cribba reef. A line was passed to the catamaran and it was towed to the harbour mouth and beached.

The crew member who had jumped over the side had swum safely ashore. The IRB returned to her station at 1.14 p.m.

Newquay, Cornwall. At 12.11 p.m.

on 13th August, 1965, while the IRB was co-operating with the Padstow life-boat on Newquay life-boat day, the crew saw a dinghy in difficulties drifting towards the Towan Headland and Cribba reef. There was a strong south-east by easterly breeze gusting to near gale force and moderate sea. It was low water. The IRB towed the dinghy and crew of two to Newquay harbour, returning to her station at 12.31 p.m.

Blackpool, Lancashire. At 6.10 p.m.

on 13th August, 1965, the police notified the honorary secretary that a boy was in difficulties in a small canoe south of central pier. The IRB was at once launched in a moderate east-south-easterly breeze and choppy sea. She came up with the canoe and found the boy did not have enough strength to paddle against the wind and the tide. The IRB brought the boy and the canoe ashore and returned to her station at 6.45 p.m.

Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire. At 11.10 a.m. on I5th August, 1965, a bather was reported in difficulties half a mile south of the station. At 11.13 the IRB launched in a slight sea and took the bather on board, returning with him to her station at 11.28 a.m. He was transferred to a waiting ambulance.

Kinghorn, Fife. At approximately 8 p.m. on igth August, 1965, a yacht was seen to capsize half a mile south-west of the station. At 8.2 the IRB launched in a gentle westerly breeze and corresponding sea. She came up with the yacht and took the crew of four on board. After landing them the IRB returned to the yacht and towed it ashore, returning to her station at 8.35 p.m.

Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire. At 3.3 p.m. on 20th August, 1965, a member of the public told the honorary secretary that a boy had fallen off a drifting air bed, 600 yards north of the station. At 3.5 the IRB launched in a gentle westerly breeze and slightly choppy sea. She took the boy on board and landed him on the beach, returning to her station at 3.10 p.m.

St. Ives, Cornwall. At 2.43 p.m. on 2ist August, 1965, the coastguard reported that a man had fallen off., or had been washed off, the rocks at Clodgy Point. At 2.45 the IRB launched in a fresh west-north-westerly breeze and rough sea. The tide was ebbing. She found the man had managed to scramble on to a ledge and was just able to hold on there. A member of the IRB's crew jumped on to the rocks to help the man board the IRB, which then sped back to her station, where the man was transferred to a waiting ambulance. The service was completed at 3.15 p.m.

Southend-on-Sea, Essex. At 2.8 p.m.

on 26th August, 1965, a yacht was reported to have capsized off Westcliffe swimming pool. At 2.9 the IRB launched in a gentle to moderate south-westerly breeze and rough sea. She came up with the yacht and took the crew of two on board, then, with the yacht in tow, returned to her station which was reached at 2.50 p.m.

Redcar, Yorkshire. At 4.44 p.m. on 28th August, 1965, a sailing dinghy was reported to have capsized off Majuba.

The IRB was launched immediately in a south-westerly breeze and calm sea. She found the dinghy with one person on board and towed it to the beach. A beach patrolman who had swum out to assist in this service got into difficulties and was brought ashore in the IRB. She returned to her station at 5 p.m.

St. Ives, Cornwall. At 2.45 p.m. on 29th August, 1965, while the IRB was on patrol off Porthmeor beach during a surf life-saving competition, her crew were told that a swimmer was in difficulties between Crowner Rock and Clodgy Point. The swimmer was found clinging to a surf board in an exhausted condition and was taken on board the IRB. After landing him on Porthmeor beach to be helped by surf club members the IRB returned to her station, which was reached at 3 p.m.

Tynemouth, Northumberland. At approximately 4.17 p.m. on 30th August, 1965, while the honorary secretary was watching a dinghy race, a sailing dinghy was capsized by a squall and her two occupants thrown into the water. The sailing club rescue boat was engaged with another casualty and as there were no other boats available the IRB was launched at 4.20 in a moderate to fresh westerly breeze and smooth sea. Her crew righted the dinghy, which was then beached. Four more sailing dinghies had by then capsized in various parts of the estuary and the IRB assisted two of these.

The third dinghy was escorted until the crew regained control and the fourth was escorted until the club rescue boat could take her in tow. The IRB returned to her station at 5.18 p.m.

Brighton, Sussex. At 4.38 p.m. on 30th August, 1965, the pier master reported that a small fishing vessel about 2 miles out was signalling for assistance.

At 4.45 the IRB launched in a moderate westerly breeze and corresponding sea.

She found the m.f.v. Shield with a crew of two in trouble because the engine had broken down and an oar had been lost. The Shiela was taken in tow and the IRB returned to her station at 5.5 p.m.

The following life-boats were also called out in August: Aith, Shetlands - 2yth.

Angle, Pembrokeshire - I2th and i6th.

Appledore, Devon - I2th and 28th.

Ballycotton, Co. Cork - 26th.

Barmouth, Merionethshire - ifth.

Barry Dock, Glamorganshire - 24th.

Bembridge, Isle of Wight - I2th, 20th, 2ist and 3ist.

Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland - I2th.

Boulmer, Northumberland - 5th and 25th.

Clacton-on-Sea, Essex - 2ist.

Clogher Head, Co. Louth - 2yth.

Clovelly, Devon - 25th.

Coverack, Cornwall - lyth.

Dover, Kent - i6th, 23rd and 28th.

Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin - 9th, 19th and 28th.

Exmouth, Devon - I2th.

Falmouth, Cornwall - 6th.

Fleetwood, Lancashire - 29th.

Fowey, Cornwall - lyth and 29th.

Galway Bay - 2yth.

Girvan, Ayrshire - 28th.

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk - 13th and i8th.

Gourdon, Kincardineshire - nth.

Hartlepool, Durham - 28th and 30th.

Holyhead, Anglesey - 3rd.

Howth, Co. Dublin - 22nd.

Hoylake, Cheshire - 24th.

Humber, Yorkshire - 3ist.

Ilfracombe, Devon - 29th.

Islay, Inner Hebrides - 5th and 2ist.

Kirkcudbright - yth.

Llandudno, Caernarvonshire - 2y th and 28th.

Lowestoft, Suffolk - i8th and 28th.

New Brighton, Cheshire - 8th, 22nd and 29th.

Newhaven, Sussex - i4th and 26th.

New Quay, Cardiganshire - 6th and 29th.

North Sunderland, Northumberland - nth and i8th.

Peel, Isle of Man - i4th.

Penlee, Cornwall - I3th.

Plymouth, Devon - ist.

Port Erin, Isle of Man - 2ist.

Portrush, Co. Antrim - i6th.

Ramsey, Isle of Man - 2yth.

Rhyl, Flintshire - 6th, 2oth and 28th.

Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford- 2ISt.

St. Helier, Jersey - i5th.

St. Ives, Cornwall - 9th.

St. Mary's, Scilly Islands - nth.

Salcombe, Devon - i2th, I3th and 28th (twice).

Seaham, Durham - I2th.

Selsey, Sussex - 2nd and 24th (twice).

Shoreham Harbour, Sussex - 24th.

Skegness, Lincolnshire - 2nd.

Stromness, Orkeys - i6th (twice).

Stronsay, Orkneys - I5th.

Tenby, Pembrokeshire - yth, I2th and 16th.

Torbay, Devon - 28th.

Troon, Ayrshire - 25th.

Tynemouth, Northumberland - 14th.

Walton and Frinton, Essex - I4th.

Weston-super-Mare, Somerset - loth.

Wick, Caithness-shire - 6th.

Wicklow - 22nd.

Yarmouth, Isle of Wight - i5th.

Note - Only reports of services for July and August are included in this issue of THE LIFE-BOAT. The increasing number of'calls made on life-boats, and the addition of IRB services to the records printed here, have made it difficult to gather all the reports in time for publication. Reports for September were not to hand when we closed for press. They will appear in the March 1965 issue, together with October and November services. Future issues will contain reports covering three months, as before, and the margin of time gained by omitting the September services from this issue will make it possible for future issues to appear much earlier in their month of publication.

The following services were received too late for inclusion in the classified sections: Aberdovey, Merionethshire. At 2.50 p.m. on I2th August, 1965, the coastguard notified the honorary secretary that four bathers had been swept off the beach near Borth. At 2.55 the IRB launched in a moderate to fresh south-easterly breeze and moderate sea. The tide was ebbing. The IRB searched the area but without success. On returning to the shore the crew were told that two youths were missing and had last been seen clinging to a rubber tyre.

JOINED BY ABERYSTWYTH IRB The Aberdovey IRB was joined by the Aberystwyth IRB, a shore boat from Borth, and an Outward Bound Sea School boat. They searched the area until 5 o'clock, when the search was abandoned. While the Aberdovey IRB was returning to her station a small sloop, the Luandia, with two persons on board was seen to be in difficulties on the bar. A line was taken aboard the Luandia and a member of the IRB's crew went aboard. The sloop was towed clear and returned to her moorings at Aberdovey. The IRB returned to her station at 5.35 p.m.

BOY SERIOUSLY ILL Barra Island, Outer Hebrides. At 5.10 p.m. on 28th August, 1965, the local doctor requested the use of the life-boat to take a six-year-old boy who was seriously ill to hospital at South Uist. The lifeboat R. A. Colby Cubbin No. 3 left her moorings at 5.50 in a moderate northwesterly wind and a corresponding sea.

The tide was flooding. The boy was landed at South Uist and the life-boat returned to her station at 11.30 p.m..