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H.M.S. Plover

Newcastle, Co. Down. H.M.S. Plover, visiting Newcastle, was due to sail early on the fth August, 1965, for the Clyde.

However, her commanding officer and forty ratings were stranded ashore as the liberty boat had grounded the previous evening. All attempts to refloat her at 4 a.m. failed and at 5.30 a.m. a request was made for the help of the life-boat. As the services of a private boat could not be obtained it was decided to launch the lifeboat William and Laura at 8.45. There was a south-south-westerly wind of near gale force and a rough sea. She took the ratings back to their ship and reached her station at 10.30 a.m. The Royal Navy have reimbursed the RNLI for the cost of this launch..