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Bronze Medals Presented In Ireland

Bronze medals awarded by the RNLI to Mr. Patrick O'Connor of Meenogahane and Sergeant William McCarthy, neither in the regular service of the Institution, were presented together with miniatures and vellums at a happy gathering in Adare on i8th October, 1965, by Captain the Hon. V. M. Wyndham- Quin, Chairman of the Committee of Management.

The awards were made for the rescue by a currach, which had not been in the water for twelve months, of two fisherman stranded on Bird Rock. This was a difficult and dangerous service needing great skill, courage, and physical effort. Unfortunately one of the fishermen died after the arrival of the rescue party; the other man was saved. The service was fully described in the December 1964 issue of THE LIFE-BOAT, on page 198.

Also present at the ceremony at Adare were Father Enright, the parish priest of Ballyheigue and former chairman of the Valentia branch of the RNLI, Mrs. Goodbody, honorary secretary of the Limerick Ladies' Guild, and her husband, and the district organising secretary, Lieut.-Colonel G. W. Ross, R.M.
