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A Speed Boat (1)

TWO LIFE-BOAT MEN INJURED Falmouth, Cornwall. At 11.53 p.m.

on 7th August, 1965, the coastguard reported that a speed boat with three people on board was missing. The boat had last been seen twelve miles south of Falmouth. At 12.40 a.m. on the 8th August the life-boat Cecil and Lilian Philpott, on temporary duty at the station, slipped her moorings in light northerly airs and a calm sea. The tide was flooding.

A faint red light was seen near the 2 D buoy and two parachute flares were used to light up the position. During the firing of the second flare two members of the life-boat crew were slightly injured.

The speed boat was sighted and the lifeboat went alongside and rescued three boys. With the speed boat in tow the lifeboat returned to Falmouth, arranging for an ambulance to meet her so that the injured life-boat crew members could be taken to hospital for treatment. The lifeboat reached her moorings at 2.30 a.m..