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A Motor Boat and Faith

Cullercoats, Northumberland. At 11.15 a.m. on 29th August, 1965, St Mary's lighthouse keeper told the coxswain that a small boat was in difficulties off the lighthouse. The life-boat Sir James Knott was launched at 11.20 in a westnorth- westerly wind of near gale force and a moderate sea. It was almost low water. The life-boat found the outboard motor boat one mile north of Cullercoats with her engine broken down and three people on board. The engine was repaired and the life-boat escorted the boat to Priors Haven in the mouth of the river Tyne. When returning to the life-boat station, the coxswain saw a boat a considerable distance out to sea. As the weather conditions were bad he proceeded to the position and found that the cabin cruiser Faith of South Shields was making heavy weather into the wind.

Her crew of five asked for a tow to Herde Sands. After this service the lifeboat reached her station at 2.2 p.m..