Advanced search

The Humber Lightvessel

POLICE PUT ABOARD Hiunber, Yorkshire. At 12.39 p.m. on i3th May, 1965, the coastguard informed the coxswain superintendent that a man was missing from the Humber lightvessel and that the master of the lightvessel had asked for the help of the life-boat to take out the police. On the arrival of a police sergeant and constable, the life-boat City of Bradford III was launched at 2.10 in a light south-south-easterly breeze and a slight sea. The tide was flooding. The police were put aboard the lightvessel and after taking statements from her crew returned on board and were landed at Spurn Point at 7.55. In the meantime the Trinity House vessel Mermaid arrived at the lightvessel at 5.30 p.m. and two of her officers went aboard to carry out an investigation. A helicopter and a Shackleton aircraft carried out a search in a three mile radius of the lightvessel..