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Sidelights on Stations

MR. TOM BOWMAN, the assistant tractor driver, Rhyl, had his car stolen from outside the boathouse while he was engaged on a launch on Good Friday. His son and Mr. Peter Hughes, both members of the Life-boat Guild, were in the boathouse at the time and saw the car being driven away. They gave chase in another car.

The thief turned into a cul-de-sac and realizing his mistake abandoned the car and made his getaway by climbing a fence. A tray of watches, thought to have been stolen, was found in Mr.

Bowman's car. His wallet was missing.

One of the biggest press coverages of the year was given to the rescue of a young deer by Tynemouth's I.R.B. in May. The story of how the police had been trying to capture it and how it; escaped them by jumping from the pier, and was subsequently found about one-and a half miles out to sea by the I.R.B., was given a great deal of space, and well illustrated.

Getting the deer, which was ber tween two and three years old, into the rubber boat proved a tricky business.

During the proceedings life-boat signalman Fred Arkley was stabbed in tht hand by the deer's antlers. He later had hospital treatment.

Back ashore the police took the dee* into custody and it was later released on probation to the R.S.P.C.A. They set it free inland after it had rested..