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New Ilfracombe Life-Boat to Be Named "Lloyd's"

A new 37-foot Oakley life-boat now under construction, which is to be stationed at Ilfracombe, North Devon, will bear the name "Lloyd's" in recognition of the financial support given every year by members of Lloyd's to the Royal National Life-boat Institution, and of a special gift which the Corporation of Lloyd's is making towards the new boat.

There is another life-boat at presentnamed"Lloyd's".Thisisa5i-footBarnett life-boat which was stationed at Barra Island, Outer Hebrides, from 1932 to 1957, and which is now in the R.N.L.I.'s reserve fleet.

Before the Royal National Life-boat Institution came into being in 1824 most of the existing life-boats had been paid for by Lloyd's. In 1824 there were 39 serviceable life-boats. By that date Lloyd's had provided no fewer than 25. In the first year of the R.N.L.I.'s existence, when funds were low, Lloyd's regularly voted sums of money to the men who put out in the life-boats..