Margaret Ann
Bridlington, Yorkshire. At 2.30 p.m.
on 23rd June, 1965, the honorary secretary heard from the harbour office that three cobles were at sea, and overdue. He telephoned the coastguard for information as to their position. At 3 o'clock the coastguard reported that two were entering the harbour. The owner of the third coble, Margaret Ann, was sure she had gone round Flamborough Head.
Nothing had been seen of the Margaret Ann, so at 3.50 the life-boat Tillie Morrison, Sheffield II was launched in a fresh south-south-westerly breeze and a choppy sea. It was two hours before low water. Shortly afterwards the harbour master telephoned the boathouse that the Margaret Ann was approaching from the south. The life-boat escorted the coble to harbour and returned to her station at 6.5 p.m..