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Life-Boatman's Painting

SECOND MECHANIC of the Howth life-boat, George McConkey, who has never received any tuition as an artist, has painted a remarkable picture in oils of the rescue, in which he took part and for which he was subsequently awarded a medal service certificate, on i4th July last year.

Full details of the rescue were given in the December 1964 issue of the Journal.

The Howth coxswain, Joseph McLoughlin, was awarded a bronze medal for gallantry for this service and five members of the crew received medal service certificates.

Few artists who have depicted sea dramas have actually taken part in them.

George McConkey's painting vividly suggests the helplessness of the motor fishing vessel Roscairbre, trapped on a lee shore in a gale with her engine broken down, and of the battle being fought by the life-boat (a reserve one, the H. F.

Bailey, temporarily at Howth) to tow the crippled vessel away from the rocky shore. The rescue resulted in the saving of three lives and the fishing vessel, which was towed into Howth harbour..