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Evi Livanos

Barrow, Lancashre. Shipping agents at Heysham telephoned the life-boat motor mechanic at 9 a.m. on i5th June, 1965, to say that the wife of a member of the crew of the Liberian tanker Em Livanos was an expectant mother and needed medical help. The tanker was two miles west of Lightning Knoll Buoy. The mechanic passed the message to the honorary secretary and at 9.40 the lifeboat Herbert Leigh was launched with the second coxswain in command and a doctor and midwife on board. There was a strong south-south-west wind and a rough sea. The tide was flooding. The life-boat crew found when they reached the tanker that there was in fact no woman aboard, but the Chief Engineer was ill and one of the tanker's crew had fallen, injuring his chest. Both of the men were embarked in the life-boat which transferred them to a waiting ambulance at Roa Island and returned to her station at 12.35 P-m-.