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Penlee, Cornwall. At 1.30 p.m. on I2th June, 1965, the port medical officer asked for assistance. The m.v. Eurylochus, of Piraeus, had a sick man on board and was making for Mounts Bay where she was due to arrive at about 3.30. The doctor asked if the life-boat would land the patient and at 2.45 the life-boat Solomon Browne was launched. She embarked the doctor and ambulance crew at Newlyn at three o'clock and came up with the Eurylochus at 3.45 five miles south of Penzance. There was a moderate southerly wind, a moderate sea and it was high water. The boatswain of the Eurylochus, who was suffering from coronary thrombosis, was transferred to the life-boat and landed at Newlyn at 4.50. The life-boat arrived at her station at 5.25 p.m..