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CREW SEASICK At 12.42 p.m. on 26th June, 1965, the coastguard reported that the coaster S.S.

Crichtown was towing a small motor cruiser north of Whitby Buoy. At a further message was received requesting the life-boat to meet the vessel. The lifeboat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched at 1.15 in a strong south-westerly breeze and rough sea. The tide was flooding.

The life-boat met the coaster about two miles north-east of Whitby and took over the tow of the motor cruiser, Dolores. Two of the life-boat crew went on board the Dolores to replace her occupants who were seasick and were taken aboard the life-boat. The Dolores was towed back to Whitby where her occupants were landed.

The life-boat returned to her station at 1.53 p.m..