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Christmas Cards and Calendars

A CHOICE of three different Christmas cards is provided by the Institution's selection of subjects this year, and in addition the usual pocket calendar is available.

The bronze medal service by the Coverack life-boat on 2nd January, 1956, is vividly depicted in the painting by David Cobb, R.O.I., S.M.A., which is reproduced on the first card. A brief account of this service is given inside the card. The full account was given in the June 1956 issue of THE LIFE-BOAT.

The second card is a reproduction of a painting by Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto, Christ at the Sea of Galilee. The painting is in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

A traditional design of holly and anemones is used on the third card. All the cards contain a standard greeting. Fuller details are given on the order form inserted in this issue of THE LIFE-BOAT, and the pictures are reproduced in colour. Supporters of the Institution living in the Irish Republic are asked to order cards direct from the Dublin office, 32 South Frederick Street, Dublin, C.2.

The pocket calendar has a photograph of Caister life-boat and launching tractor on the front. It can be obtained in dozens, the price being 2S. a dozen..